Communication;Parazites/ Borey Gallery and Studio44, art project

The project between artists of Parazites from St Petersburg and artists from Studio44, Stockholm was an extra ordinary project. Made over the net we gave each other artistic tasks to perform from one artist group to the other.


Three Blue on granite
Three Blue on granite

 Border/ Birmingham

Her border -  we all
Her border - we all
Its border II


Brunn/ A well
Brunn/ A well
Beläte I/II - Prototype I/II
Beläte I/II - Prototype I/II

Hembygd/ Regional

Linjerna över fjällen och tonerna/ The lines over the mountains and the tones
Linjerna över fjällen och tonerna/ The lines over the mountains and the tones

Bstruction stage I

Mykorrhiza fungus
Mykorrhiza fungus

Artists Roles/Artists Rules II

Land shaping I
Land shaping I

Transition I;The Box, II;Souveniring

It´s in there, remember
It´s in there, remember

Arbetslinjen, ett Konst-igt projekt/
The Line of Work, A strange project

Arbete/ Labour
Arbete/ Labour

I den ordningen... marken  himlen havet/ In that order... ground    Heaven   Sea

Maskerna/ The Masks
Maskerna/ The Masks
Källarvåning/ Basement
Källarvåning/ Basement
Hinnorna/ The Membranes
Hinnorna/ The Membranes
Liten stolskugga/ Small chair shadow
Liten stolskugga/ Small chair shadow

Maktens mening/ Meaning of Power

Hinna, detalj/ Membrane, detail
Hinna, detalj/ Membrane, detail
Bibelns och Elfriede Jelineks, Skapelsen/ The Bible ´s and Elfriede Jelinek´s, Creation
Bibelns och Elfriede Jelineks, Skapelsen/ The Bible ´s and Elfriede Jelinek´s, Creation
Maktens nät/ Net of Power
Maktens nät/ Net of Power

Tredimensionell skugga I/ Three dimensional Shadow

Tredimensionella skuggor, (I:a redovisningen)/ Three dimensional shadows( 1st Survey)
Tredimensionella skuggor, (I:a redovisningen)/ Three dimensional shadows( 1st Survey)